Monday, December 4, 2017
Monday, July 17, 2017
The Voice of a Woman
I was sitting around the table, looking at all the beautiful women who have been given the honor of being someone’s mother. I was listening as they shared memories of their children’s younger years, as they discussed all the “mom fails” and learning moments and as they sat in awe of the blessing God gave them in being a mother. It was then that I tuned-in to the voice of a woman. It’s so gentle and sweet, but has the ability to grab the attention of so many and demand respect as it gives instruction. It’s loving in its deliverance and travels long after it has been spoken.
The voice of a woman carries a greater mission than I think
anyone has ever tuned-in to notice. The soft sound that comes from a woman’s
mouth is partnered with the purpose God gave it. A woman of faith has been
crowned with a distinct, God-given voice. Who was the small, often unnoticed
voice in the Bible? Women. Who has crumbled and sat speechless in the corner
for far too long in the Church? Women. I
think, as a woman, it’s time to recognize our voice and to lift it in order to
follow the mission God placed in our hearts.
Elizabeth, the Virgin Mary’s cousin, was the first to
proclaim the pregnancy which would bring forth our Savior. “Elizabeth, filled
with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, ‘Most blessed are you
among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.’” (Luke 1:41-42).

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is often noted to be, well,
silent throughout the Bible. As Mary holds a small speaking role in the
gospels, there is one story where her gentle voice meets the start of God’s
mission. The Wedding at Cana is marked as the start of Jesus’ mission, and His
mother, Mary, gives Him a firm push. “When the wine ran short, the mother of
Jesus said to him, ‘They have no wine.’ [And] Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, how
does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.’ His mother said to the
servers, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’” (John 2:3-5).
When Jesus had to pass through Samaria, He came across a
woman at the well of Jacob. After talking to her for a short time, He spoke
truth and told her the things she had done. The woman, recognized she was
speaking with the Messiah and immediately got up, “went into the town and said
to the people, ‘Come see a man who told me everything I have done. Could he
possibly be the Messiah?’… Later, “Many of the Samaritans of the town began to
believe in him because of the word of the woman” (John 4:28-29, 39).
After going to the tomb to find Jesus’ body missing, Mary
Magdalene was alone when Christ appeared to her. “’Woman, why are you weeping?
Whom are you looking for?’… ‘Mary!’ She turned and said to him, ‘Teacher.’
Jesus said to her… ‘I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your
God.’ Mary of Magdala went and announced to the disciples. ‘I have seen the
Lord.’” (John 20:15-18).
What an honor to be the first to tell of the coming of
Christ and to share in Mary’s joy? How appropriate that Jesus’ mother be the
first to command the start of His mission?
Isn’t it beautiful that the often ignored Samaritan woman spoke directly
to the hearts of non-believers? Wasn’t it wonderful that Jesus first appeared
to Mary Magdalene and sent her to share His glory with the others? God is constantly using women, and their
small voice. I think it’s time women of the Church look into their hearts to
see what God is calling them to share. What an amazing world this would be if
we heard the voice of a woman.
So women, get up, go out and speak the message God
instructed you to share! You may never know what your words can lead to, but if
they are spoken in faith, they can only lead to goodness.
“Jesus said, ‘I am the truth’, and it is your duty and mine to speak the truth.” –St. Teresa of Calcutta
This post was written for the Catholic Faith Blog on 5/22/2017
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Unapologetically Authentic
I was sitting in the Adoration chapel a few days ago when I
caught myself thinking a dangerous thought: “I wish I prayed like her.” How
often do we think things like that? “I wish I could kneel as long as he can. Maybe
then the Lord would grant my prayer. I wish I could read the Bible and
understand it as easily as my group leader. I wish I had the same relationship with God that she does. She just gets it.”
No! STOP RIGHT THERE! God made you to be you! He designed you apart
from everyone else! You were thought-out and uniquely formed! He didn’t look
through a catalog and say “Sure, I’ll make her just like number 277089. The
world needs another one of those.” LOL! Are you kidding me?!?!
He pieced together every beautiful inch of your body and
smoothed over every longing curve of your heart. He looked into the world and
thought it needed YOU!!! The King of the universe and the God of all things
thought YOU were needed in this time, in that person’s life, and in every
moment of your life that is to come!
That same God did not ask you to pray like the girl to your
left. He didn’t ask you to kneel as long as the boy in the first pew. And He
most definitely did not call you into the same relationship as the girl in your
Bible study! He called you to be you! He asked you to share this life with Him.
He asked you to be vulnerable, and to show people a little glimpse of Him in
everything you do. He wants you to be silly, or be serious! He wants you to sit
and journal, or to kneel and pray the Rosary. He wants you to know Him… no
matter how that may come!
So, be you! Be so unapologetically authentic that you start
to see yourself as He sees you! You were made for something so much more than
what we can see, and His love is SO proud to be seen with YOU!
“You saw
me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every
moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” Psalm 139:16
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